Author Archives: admin2

Board of Review Opens Group 3 Townships for Appeals

The Cook County Board of Review opened the third group of townships for 2017 appeals on September 25th. If your property is in one of the listed townships below you have until the deadline of October 24th to appeal your property’s 2017 assessment at the Board of Review.Cook County Property Tax Appeal

  • Berwyn
  • Elk Grove
  • Maine

Whether you missed the appeal window at the Assessor’s office earlier this year, or if you did appeal and were unsatisfied with the Assessor’s office determination, you still have a final opportunity to appeal your 2017 assessment at the Board of Review. Successful 2017 appeals will help to make sure you only pay your fair share in taxes on your 2nd installment property tax bill in July 2018. If you do not appeal now at the Board of Review there is not another opportunity to appeal your 2017 assessment.

Contact us for our free professional opinion on the assessed value of your property in comparison to others and to discuss your best options for an appeal. We will only recommend an appeal for you if we think there is a strong appeal argument to be made.

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South Chicago 2017 Assessment Notices Mailed

The Cook County Assessor’s office has mailed 2017 assessment notices to properties located in South Chicago Township. The opportunity to appeal your assessment is now open through the deadline of October 16th.Cook County Property Tax Appeal

South Chicago is scheduled to be reassessed in 2018 but you may appeal your assessment each and every year, regardless of when your property is reassessed by the county. Contact us before the October 16th deadline if you would like a free analysis and professional opinion on your assessment in comparison to others and your appeal options.

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Reassessment Notices Mailed to Bloom Township

Bloom Township reassessment notices were mailed by the Assessor’s office on Friday, September 15th. The 30 day window to appeal your assessment at the Assessor’s Office is open until October 16th.Bloom

Bloom is in the south group of townships which is being reassessed in 2017 by the Assessor’s office. You can locate complete valuation statistics for Bloom Township on the Assessor’s site here.

Contact us before the October 16th deadline for a free analysis and professional opinion on your reassessment valuation in comparison to others and your appeal opportunities. Appealing in a reassessment year may allow you to achieve savings for multiple years on your future property tax bills, until your next triennial reassessment in 2020.

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Property Managers Can Save Big with Property Tax Appeals

Property Manager Tax Appeal Cook CountyIf you are a property manager or the owner of rental or investment property, overlooking one of the multiple ways in which your property may qualify for tax reductions can be an expensive oversight.

At Kensington Research and Recovery, our work on behalf of property managers and investors has resulted in tens of thousands of dollars in savings generated from little-known avenues of appeal.
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North Chicago 2017 Assessment Notices Mailed

North Chicago Township assessment notices for 2017 have been mailed. The 30 day window to appeal your assessed value at the Assessor’s office is now open through the deadline of October 13th.cook seal v2

North Chicago Township was last reassessed in 2015 and is next scheduled to be reassessed in 2018. You may appeal your assessment each year, regardless of when your township has been or will be reassessed. In fact, it is our opinion that you should at least review, if not appeal, your assessment annually due to regular changes in the housing market (others have also made this recommendation).

Contact us before the October 13th deadline and we are happy to review your property’s assessed value and provide you with our free professional opinion on property’s assessment level in comparison to others.

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Assessment Notices Mailed to Niles Township

2017 assessment notices were mailed by the Assessor’s office on September 11th to properties in Niles Township. The opportunity to appeal your 2017 assessment is now open until the October 12th deadline.Niles

Niles Township is in the north suburbs group which was reassessed in 2016. Niles Township will next be reassessed in 2019. You have the right to appeal your assessment every year and successful appeals in 2017 may result in savings for two years, until Niles is reassessed in 2019.

If you would like a free professional opinion on your property’s assessment level in comparison to others please contact us before the October 12th deadline.

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Hanover Township Assessment Notices Mailed

Hanover Township 2017 assessment notices were mailed by the Assessor’s office on September 5th. The one month appeal window is open through the October 5th deadline.Hanover

Hanover Township is in the north suburbs district which was reassessed in 2016. The next triennial reassessment for Hanover Township will be in 2019. Successful appeals in 2017 may result in savings for two years, until Hanover’s next reassessment in 2019.

For a free professional opinion on your property’s assessment level in comparison to others reach out to us before the deadline of October 5th.

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Lake Township 2017 Assessment Notices Mailed

The Cook County Assessor’s office mailed assessment notices for Lake Township on September 1st. The deadline to appeal your 2017 assessment at the Assessor’s office is October 2nd.Cook County Property Tax Appeal

Lake Township is in the City of Chicago district which was reassessed in 2015. The next triennial reassessment for Lake Township will be in 2018. Therefore, a successful appeal of your assessed value in 2017 will result in one year of savings, until you are next reassessed in 2018.

For a free professional opinion on your property’s assessment level in comparison to others contact us before the deadline of October 2nd.

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Reassessment Notices Mailed for Rich Township

Rich Township reassessment notices were mailed by the Assessor’s office on Friday, September 1st. The one month window to appeal your assessment at the Assessor’s Office is open until Monday, October 2nd.Rich Township

Rich Township is in the south group of townships which is being reassessed in 2017 by the Assessor’s office. You can locate complete valuation statistics for Rich Township on the Assessor’s site here.

Contact us before the October 2nd deadline for a free analysis and professional opinion on your reassessment valuation in comparison to others and your appeal options. Appealing in a reassessment year may allow you to achieve savings for multiple years on your future property tax bills, until your next triennial reassessment.

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Why New Homeowners Fail to Accurately Estimate Their Mortgage Payment

Cook County Property Taxes & New HomeownersNew homeowners agonize over how much they can spend on a home and what monthly mortgage payment they can afford. They consult with their family, friends and perhaps even their financial advisor, real estate agent or lawyer.

However, new homeowners—especially Millennials—often get it wrong and under-estimate their monthly mortgage payment. Why?
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