Author Archives: admin2

Illinois Governor Signs Law That Will Get Cook County Property Tax Refunds Out Faster


A small change in the law governing the way refunds for overpaid property taxes are administered in Cook County will speed up the process for some claimants by raising the annual cap on total refund payments.

Prior to the amendment, which took effect upon the governor’s signature earlier this month, a provision in the Property Tax Code allowed the County to delay property tax refunds for overpayments or erroneous payments until the next calendar year if the total amount of refunds paid out hit a cap of $2.5 million. That meant that a particularly sizable refund, like one due on a large commercial property, could quickly push refund payments over the cap and cause smaller refunds to be held up.
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Board of Review Opens Third Group of Townships for Appeals

Cook County Triennial Property Tax Schedule MapThe 3rd group of townships has opened at the Cook County Board of Review for 2018 property tax appeals. If your property is located in one of the 6 townships listed below the Board’s deadline to appeal your 2018 assessed value is Tuesday, October 9th.

  • Barrington
  • Calumet
  • Lemont
  • Lyons
  • Northfield
  • Stickney

Regardless of if your appeal at the Assessor’s office earlier this year was successful or denied, or even if you didn’t appeal at the assessor level, everyone has a second chance to appeal at the Board of Review to ensure their assessed value is fair.
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Bloom Township 2018 Assessment Notices Mailed

BloomAssessment notices for 2018 were mailed by the Cook County Assessor’s office to Bloom Township property owners on Thursday, September 6th. The 30 day window for homeowners in Bloom Township to appeal their assessments is now open until the deadline of Tuesday, October 9th.

The following suburbs are located in Bloom Township: Chicago Heights, Flossmoor, Ford Heights, Glenwood (almost all), Homewood (portion), Lansing, Lynwood, Olympia Fields, Park Forest, Sauk Village (almost all), South Chicago Heights, and Steger.
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Triennial Reassessment Notices Mailed to North Chicago Township

Cook County Property Tax AppealNorth Chicago Township triennial reassessment notices were mailed on Wednesday, September 5th by the Cook County Assessor’s office. North Chicago valuation statistics from the Assessor’s office can be found here. Homeowners in North Chicago Township have 30 days to appeal their assessment at the Assessor’s office (there is also a second opportunity later in the year at the Board of Review). The deadline for appealing your assessment at the Assessor’s office is Friday, October 5th.

We recommend reviewing your assessment annually, especially in a year when your township is reassessed, to ensure you do not pay more than your fair share in property taxes. If you think your assessment is not comparable to similar homes you should consider appealing (if you would like a free second opinion contact us). Successfully appealing in a reassessment year may provide 3 years of savings on your future property tax bills. The amount of success you are able to achieve on your property tax appeal depends on the strength of your appeal argument.
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Cook County Assessment Notices Mailed to Rich Township

RichThe Cook County Assessor’s office mailed 2018 assessment notices to Rich Township property owners on Tuesday, September 4th. The 30 day window for homeowners in Rich Township to appeal their assessments is now open until the deadline of Thursday, October 4th.

The following suburbs are located in Rich Township: Country Club Hills, Flossmoor (west ¾), Frankfort (small portion), Hazel Crest, Homewood, Matteson (majority), Olympia Fields (vast majority), Park Forest (north ¾), Richton Park, Tinley Park (portion), University Park (portion).
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Hanover Township Assessment Notices Mailed

HanoverHanover Township 2018 assessment notices were mailed by the Cook County Assessor’s office on Wednesday, August 29th. The 30 day window for homeowners in Hanover Township to appeal their assessments is now open until the deadline of Monday, October 1st.

The following suburbs are located in Hanover Township: Bartlett, Elgin, Hanover Park, Hoffman Estates, Schaumburg (west edge), South Barrington (south edge), and Streamwood.
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Assessment Notices Mailed to Niles Township

NilesAssessment notices were mailed to Niles Township homeowners on Tuesday, August 28th. Niles Township homeowners now have 30 days to appeal their assessment at the Assessor’s office until the deadline of Friday, September 28th.

The following suburbs are located in Niles Township: Glenview, Golf, Lincolnwood, Morton Grove (east ¾), Niles (southeast half), and Skokie.
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West Chicago Township Triennial Reassessment Notices Mailed

Pilsen2West Chicago Township triennial reassessment notices were mailed on Friday, August 24th by the Cook County Assessor’s office. West Chicago valuation statistics from the Assessor’s office can be found here. Homeowners in West Chicago Township have one month to appeal their assessment at the Assessor’s office (there is also a second opportunity later in the year at the Board of Review). The deadline for appealing your assessment at the Assessor’s office is Tuesday, September 25th.

We strongly recommend reviewing your assessment annually, especially in a year when your township is reassessed, to ensure you do not pay more than your fair share in property taxes. If you think your assessment is not comparable to similar properties you should consider appealing (if you would like a free second opinion contact us). Successfully appealing in a reassessment year may provide 3 years of savings on your future property tax bills. The amount of success you are able to achieve on your property tax appeal depends on the strength of your appeal argument.
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Group 2 Open for Appeals at Board of Review

The Cook County Board of Review has opened the second group of townships for 2018 property tax appeals. The Board’s deadline to appeal your 2018 assessed value is September 18th. Below are the townships that are currently open in Group 2:cook seal v2

  • Bremen
  • Rogers Park

If you missed your opportunity to appeal at the Assessor’s office earlier in the year, or if you did appeal and weren’t satisfied with the result, you have a second chance to appeal at the Board of Review. Appealing your home’s 2018 assessed value is the only way to achieve property tax relief on your second installment property tax bill in July 2019, other than selling your home or claiming a new exemption. Assessments can be appealed every year, regardless of when a township was reassessed.
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Schaumburg Township Assessment Notices Mailed

2018 assessment notices were mailed to Schaumburg Township homeowners on Monday, August 13th. Schaumburg Township property owners now have 30 days to appeal their assessment at the Assessor’s office until the deadline of Friday, September 14th.Schaumburg

The following suburbs are located in Schaumburg Township: Elk Grove Village, Hanover Park, Hoffman Estates, Rolling Meadows (south edge), Roselle, Schaumburg, and Streamwood.
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