Author Archives: admin2

Jefferson Township Assessment Notices Mailed

Assessment notices for Jefferson Township have been mailed by the Cook County Assessor’s office. August 28th is the last day to file a property tax appeal at the Assessor’s office.Jefferson

Cook County divides townships into three groups for the purposes of reassessment. Jefferson Township is in the City of Chicago group which was last reassessed in 2015. An appeal in 2017 will result in one year of savings, until Jefferson is reassessed in 2018.

Contact us for a free professional opinion on your property’s assessment level in comparison to others.

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Assessment Notices Mailed for Hyde Park Township

Hyde Park Township assessment notices have been mailed by the Cook County Assessor’s office. August 21st is the deadline for filing a property tax appeal at the Assessor’s office.cook seal v2

Townships in Cook County are divided into three groups for reassessment purposes. Hyde Park Township is in the City of Chicago group which was reassessed in 2015. An appeal in 2017 will result in one year of savings, until Hyde Park is next reassessed in 2018.

Contact us today for a free professional opinion on your property’s assessment level in comparison to others.

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Cook County Property Tax Math Is a Zero-Sum Problem

Cook County Property Tax Appeal Service: Zero SumWhen you see or hear the words “Cook County property taxes” in the headlines, you can pretty much assume it’s not going to be good news. Unless, perhaps, you are a well-heeled business owner with a team of attorneys scrutinizing your tax bills.

For everyone else, it’s a safe bet that:

  1. The county’s budgetary pressures will continue to increase, and
  2. Your property tax payments will be increasingly relied upon to close the gaps.

What doesn’t come out of your tax bill will come out of somebody else’s – and vice versa.

The system is prone to errors in assessed property values, but it puts the burden on property owners to be sure they’re not paying more than their fair share. It’s a zero-sum process that leaves those who don’t appeal subsidizing the savings of those who do.
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Reassessment Notices Mailed For Proviso Township

The Cook County Assessor’s Office has mailed reassessment notices for properties in Proviso Township. The 30 day window to appeal your assessed value at the Assessor’s Office is now open through August 14th. Proviso

Proviso Township is part of the south group which is reassessed in 2017. Complete valuation statistics for Proviso have been published by the Assessor’s Office here.

Contact us for a free analysis of your property’s assessment and our professional opinion on your appeal options. Appealing your property’s assessed value in a reassessment year may allow you to secure savings for multiple years, until your next reassessment.

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Assessment Notices Mailed for Wheeling Township

Wheeling Township assessment notices were mailed by the Cook County Assessor’s office today. August 7th is the deadline for filing a property tax appeal at the Assessor’s office.Wheeling

Townships in Cook County are divided into three groups for reassessment purposes. Wheeling Township is in the north suburbs group which was reassessed in 2016. An appeal in 2017 may result in two years of savings, until Wheeling is next reassessed in 2019.

Contact us today for a free professional opinion on your property’s assessment level in comparison to others.

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Chicago Homeowners: Brace Yourselves for Hefty Property Tax Increases…

Chicago Homeowners: Brace Yourselves for Hefty Property Tax Increases...“Chicago Homeowners are about to get whacked with a 10% increase in their property taxes,” reports Greg Hinz in his Crain’s article, Chicago Homeowners, Brace Yourselves: Huge Tax Hike on the Way.

This refers to the second installment of property tax bills about to be released by the Cook County Treasurer’s Office.
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Calumet Township Reassessment Notices Mailed

The Cook County Assessor’s Office has mailed reassessment notices to all properties in Calumet Township. The window to appeal your assessed value at the Assessor’s Office is now open through the deadline of July 28th.Cook County Property Tax Appeal

Calumet Township is part of the south group which is being reassessed in 2017. Complete valuation statistics for Calumet have been published by the Assessor’s Office here.

Contact us for a free analysis of your property’s assessment and our professional opinion on your appeal options. Appealing your property’s assessed value in a reassessment year may allow you to secure savings for multiple years, until your next reassessment.

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Worth Township Reassessment Notices Mailed

On June 23rd reassessment notices were mailed by the Cook County Assessor’s office to all properties in Worth Township. The 30 day window for appealing your assessed value is now open. The last day to file a 2017 appeal at the Assessor’s office is July 24th.Worth

Cook County townships are divided into three groups for reassessment purposes. Each group of townships is then reassessed triennially by the Assessor’s office. Worth Township is part of the south group which is being reassessed in 2017. The Assessor’s office has published the 2017 valuation statistics for Worth here.

Appealing your property’s assessed value in a reassessment year may allow you to secure savings for multiple years, until your next reassessment year. Contact us for a free analysis of your property’s assessment in comparison to others, and our professional opinion on your appeal options.

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How Everyone Can Benefit from Property Tax Appeals (Not Just the Rich)

Chicago Property Tax AppealsJason Grotto’s recent expose in the Chicago Tribune is entitled, An unfair burden: Cook County failed to value homes accurately for years. The result: a property tax system that harmed the poor and helped the rich. This confirms something we’ve known for years.

Grotto’s article does an excellent job explaining how Cook County property tax appeals favor the rich at the expense of everyone else: “The county’s property tax system created an unequal burden on residents, handing huge financial breaks to homeowners who are well-off while punishing those who have the least, particularly people living in minority communities.”
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Leyden Township Assessment Notices Mailed

Assessment notices were mailed today by the Cook County Assessor’s office for Leyden Township. The 30 day appeal window is now open with a deadline of July 17th.Leyden

Cook County divides townships into three groups for reassessment purposes. Leyden Township is in the north suburbs group and was reassessed last year and will not be reassessed again until 2019. However, market conditions are constantly changing and homeowners have the right to appeal their assessment every year, not just during their reassessment year.

Contact us today for a free professional opinion and analysis on your property’s assessment level in comparison to others.

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