Keeping Up with the Property Tax Appeal Schedule
Keeping on top of the deadlines for filing an appeal of your property tax assessment doesn’t seem like it would be an unmanageable task. And maybe it wouldn’t be if that were all you had to keep track of.
There are four key dates every year – not counting the deadline for paying your taxes on time! – the opening and closing date of the window for appealing your assessment to the county assessor’s office and the opening and closing date of the window for filing an appeal with the board of review.
Senior citizens, disabled and returning veterans and new homeowners also have deadlines for applying for exemptions that can reduce their property tax bills. So that’s five or six key dates for potentially saving thousands of dollars in property taxes or avoiding a late fee.
Overlooked Property Tax Appeal Deadlines Can Be Expensive
But for many people, keeping on top of the appeals process is haphazard at best, with appeals filed one year, but no-follow up at the board of review – a critical step that can yield significant additional reductions. Or worse, years in which the deadline for an initial appeal sneaks up, and it’s too late to gather the data and the paperwork they need.
It’s not hard to miss a deadline that can change from one year to the next, especially given the fact that most people are juggling far more than a handful of dates for filing a property tax appeal.
Property Tax Savings for Busy People
The internet is running over with advice on how to keep up with a busy schedule or which organizer apps are most effective, along with the running debate around paper and other three-dimensional tools of time management vs. their digital counterparts.
These are not the preoccupations of a society in which keeping up with your property tax appeal deadlines is a simple matter. We get that.
That’s why, for all of our expertise in building the most effective case for winning your property tax appeal, one of the most important things we do for our clients is keeping track of the process.
Kensington clients don’t have to remember when the appeals window opens for their township because they hear from us in advance. We make sure that our clients have every argument available to reduce their property assessment, and we make sure an appeal is filed on their behalf, not once, but twice every year. We also help ensure that no exemptions are overlooked.
Property Tax Appeal Reminders – No Post-it Notes Required
So whether you prefer thumbtacks or Post-it notes or digital reminders for keeping your life on track, don’t make the mistake of overlooking the opportunity to protect the value of what is likely the most important investment you will ever make – your home.
Whether you would like help with preparing your appeal, or you just want to know whether you are paying too much, call us or click on the link below for a free assessment of your property tax bill. We use a proprietary algorithm to identify the most effective comparable properties for making the case for appeal. And our clients pay nothing unless they win.
You don’t have to be a Kensington client to use our tax appeal calendar to help keep track. We publish an up-to-date schedule for Cook, Lake and DuPage counties.