Author Archives: admin2

Assessment Notices Mailed to Thornton Township

ThorntonThornton Township 2018 assessment notices were mailed by the Cook County Assessor’s office on August 10th. If your home is in Thornton Township the 30 day window to appeal your assessment at the Assessor’s office is now open until the deadline of Tuesday, September 11th.

The following suburbs are located in Thornton Township: Blue Island (southern edge), Burnham, Calumet City, Dixmoor, Dolton, East Hazel Crest, Glenwood (northern ¼), Harvey, Hazel Crest, Homewood (northeast half), Lansing (northern half), Markham (eastern ¼), Phoenix, Posen, Riverdale, South Holland, and Thornton.
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Cook County Board of Review Opens For 2018 Appeals

The Cook County Board of Review has opened 2018 property tax appeals for the first group of 11 townships. The Board’s deadline to appeal your 2018 assessed value is August 30th. Below are the townships that are currently open in Group 1:Jefferson

  • Berwyn
  • Cicero
  • Elk Grove
  • Evanston
  • Maine
  • New Trier
  • Norwood Park
  • Oak Park
  • Palos
  • River Forest
  • Riverside

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Palatine Township 2018 Assessment Notices Mailed

PalatineThe Cook County Assessor’s office mailed 2018 Palatine Township assessment notices on August 1st. If your home is in Palatine Township you have until the deadline of September 4th to appeal your assessment at the Assessor’s office.

The following suburbs are located in Palatine Township: Arlington Heights (west of Wilke Rd.), Barrington, Deer Park, Hoffman Estates (northeast), Inverness, Palatine, Rolling Meadows (north of Central Road), Schaumburg, and South Barrington.
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Triennial Reassessment Notices Mailed to Lake Township

Cook County Property Tax AppealThe Cook County Assessor’s office mailed triennial reassessment notices on Monday, July 30th to property owners in Lake Township. Lake Township valuation statistics from the Assessor’s office can be found here. Homeowners in Lake Township have one month to appeal their assessment at the Assessor’s office (there is also a second opportunity later in the year at the Board of Review). The deadline for appealing your assessment at the Assessor’s office is August 30th.

We suggest reviewing your assessment annually, especially in a reassessment year, to ensure you do not pay more than your fair share in property taxes. If you think your assessment is not comparable with that of similar homes you should consider appealing (if you would like a free second opinion contact us). Successfully appealing in a reassessment year may provide 3 years of savings on your future property tax bills. The level of success you achieve on your property tax appeal depends on the strength of your appeal argument.
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Documents Shine Some Light on Assessment Process


If you live in Cook County and you’ve ever wondered about the process by which the assessor’s office establishes the taxable value of your home, there’s a good reason. It has not been a particularly transparent process.

Assessor Joseph Berrios has denied requests to make the exact assessment process public, as investigative journalists and analyses by professional and educational groups have revealed wide disparities in the results.
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Orland 2018 Assessment Notices Mailed

OrlandOrland Township 2018 assessment notices were mailed on July 19th by the Cook County Assessor’s office. If your home is in Orland Township you have until the deadline of August 20th to appeal your assessment at the Assessor’s office.

The following suburbs are located in Orland Township: Orland Hills, Orland Park, and Tinley Park.
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Assessment Notices Mailed to Wheeling Township

WheelingWheeling Township 2018 assessment notices were mailed today by the Cook County Assessor’s office. If your home is in Wheeling Township you have until the deadline of August 17th to appeal your assessment at the Assessor’s office.

The following suburbs are located in Wheeling Township: Arlington Heights, Buffalo Grove, Des Plaines, Glenview, Mount Prospect, Northbrook, Palatine (east of 53), Prospect Heights (majority), Rolling Meadows, and Wheeling (majority).
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Proviso Township Assessment Notices Mailed

ProvisoThe Cook County Assessor’s office mailed 2018 assessment notices today to homeowners in Proviso Township. If your home is in Proviso Township you have until the deadline of August 17th to appeal your assessment at the Assessor’s office.

The following suburbs are located in Proviso Township: Bellwood, Berkeley, Broadview, Brookfield (northwest ½), Elmhurst (portion), Forest Park, Hillside, La Grange Park (majority), Maywood, Melrose Park, North Riverside, Northlake (south ¼), Oak Brook (parts), Stone Park, Westchester, and Western Springs (north portion).
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Jefferson Township Triennial Reassessment Notices Mailed

Cook County Property Tax AppealJefferson Township triennial reassessment notices were mailed on Monday, July 16th by the Cook County Assessor’s office. Jefferson valuation statistics from the Assessor’s office can be found here. Homeowners in Jefferson Township have 30 days to appeal their assessment at the Assessor’s office (there is also a second opportunity later in the year at the Board of Review). The deadline for appealing your assessment at the Assessor’s office is August 16th.

We suggest reviewing your assessment annually, especially in a reassessment year, to ensure you do not pay more than your fair share in property taxes. If you think your assessment is not in line with that of similar homes you should consider appealing (if you would like a free second opinion contact us). Successfully appealing in a reassessment year may provide 3 years of savings on your future property tax bills. The level of success you achieve on your property tax appeal depends on the strength of your appeal argument.
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Chicago Property Taxes Going Up, But By a Little Less

cook-county-tax-rates-increasingYour property tax bill is coming and – it will come as no surprise – it’s going to be bigger than it was last year.

But here’s what passes for the good news: In Chicago, property taxes are going up by less than they did last year.

The rates, released by the Cook County Clerk’s Office, show that the average property tax bill for homeowners in the city will be about 2.75% higher than last year, or about an extra $110 for the owner of an average single-family residence with a market value of $224,500.

Last year’s tax hike cost that same homeowner an additional $363 – an increase of 10 percent.

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