Author Archives: admin2

The Compound Effect of Property Tax Appeals

property-tax-appeals-compound-effectIn 1716, Christopher Bullock in The Cobbler of Preston wrote, “‘Tis impossible to be sure of any thing but Death and Taxes.”

Considering the growing, unfunded pension liabilities of Chicago and the suburbs, you can count on further property tax increases.
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Cook County Board of Review Announces 5 More Townships Open for 2016 Property Tax Appeals

The Cook County Board of Review has announced that 5 more townships opened on 10/17/16 for 2016 property tax appeals. The deadline to file an appeal is 11/15/16 for the following townships:Cook County Property Tax Appeal

  • Elk Grove
  • Lyons
  • Norwood Park
  • Stickney
  • Lake

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Illinois Takes Your Unclaimed Federal Savings Bonds

Illinois Takes Your Unclaimed Federal Savings BondsThe State of Illinois recently passed a bill where they will claim your federal savings bonds if you don’t claim them within 5 years of maturity. This did not make the news.

As part of our government refund service, we monitor the activities of Illinois and Cook County so that we can help you claim refunds that you are unaware of. Periodically, we run across activities like this that would not otherwise see the light of day.
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Veterans: Be Sure to Claim Your Property Tax Exemptions

Veteran Cook County Homeowner Property Tax ExemptionsFor many years, Jack Schaller of Chicago’s oldest continuously operating bar, paid zero property taxes in the face of ballooning increases – and this is completely legal and fair.

Why? Because he was a veteran and a senior and he took advantage of all exemptions available to him.

If you’re a veteran homeowner in Cook County and you’re not claiming any veteran-related exemptions, you are likely paying much more than your fair share. After all, you’ve served your country so you should at least claim the exemptions you deserve.
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Property Taxes Got You Down? Do What the Politicians Do…

Chicago Aldermen Appeal Cook County Property TaxesJust in the past year, Rahm Emanuel has increased property taxes by an ulcer-inducing $838 million – and there are still massive budget deficits that need to be plugged sooner than later beyond these increases. What can you do for relief?

Simply put, do what the politicians do: appeal your property taxes. Some may think this is evidence of corruption but it’s not: it’s 100% legal, and it works.

Read on to find out why it’s time to stop paying more than your fair share by taking a page from The Machine’s playbook.
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Cook County Assessor’s Office Opens Hanover Township for 2016 Property Tax Appeals

The Cook County Assessor’s Office has announced that assessment notices were mailed on September 13, 2016, for Hanover Township.Cook County Property Tax Appeal

The deadline to file a 2016 property tax appeal at the Cook County Assessor’s Office is October 13, 2016.

Hanover Township valuation statistics can be found here.

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Even Celebrities & CEOs Struggle with Escalating Property Taxes

Even Celebrities & CEOs Struggle with Escalating Property TaxesAre you still recovering from receiving the second installment of your Cook County property tax bill? If so, you’re not alone.

Even celebrities and business executives are struggling with their property tax bills, some of which have increased well over 100%.

They may be able to pay, but everyone is feeling the pain. Consider the examples below and remember: the only way to reduce your property taxes is to appeal them.
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