Author Archives: admin2

Assessor Mails Stickney Township Reassessment Notices

Reassessment notices were mailed by the Cook County Assessor’s office on June 8th for properties located in Stickney Township, and appeals are now being accepted by the Assessor’s office. The window for filing an appeal of your assessed value at the Assessor’s office is now open through the deadline of July 10th.StickneyTwnSeal

Cook County townships are separated into three groups for the purposes of reassessments. Each group of townships is then reassessed triennially by the Assessor’s office. Stickney Township is part of the south group which is being reassessed in 2017. The Assessor’s office has published the 2017 valuation statistics for Stickney here.

Appealing your property’s assessment in a reassessment year may allow you to secure savings for multiple years, until your next reassessment year. Contact us if you would like more information, or for a free analysis of your property’s assessment in comparison to others, and our professional opinion on your appeal options.

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Why Do So Many Cook County Homeowners Fail to Appeal Even When the Assessor Recommends It?

Cook County Property Tax Appeal "Rough Draft"Every three years, Cook County homeowners get re-assessed. Since the Great Recession is over, property taxes are dramatically increasing to pay for unfunded pensions and the Chicago Public Schools shortfall.

Did you know that your last assessment was a “rough draft” and that, if you didn’t appeal, you will probably pay a lot more than your fair share because you didn’t do what Cook County requires you to do to ensure a fair assessment?

This comes straight from the Cook County Assessor’s Office.

The “Rough Draft” of Your Home’s Re-Assessment

According to Tom Shaer of the Cook County Assessor’s Office, as reported in the recent Crain’s article by Dennis Rodkin, “The first reassessment homeowners get is essentially a rough draft, meant to be tailored via an appeal. The appeal process is part of turning macro-data that comes from a computerized system into sophisticated micro-data that reflects the individual nature of each property.”

Don’t Believe It?

Perhaps because we assist with appealing Cook County homeowners’ property tax assessments, you may think we are making too big a deal out of this. If so, how about this from Fran Sitkiewicz, the Riverside Township Assessor: “The assessment feels like something you have control over. So you appeal it. Homeowners don’t want to get caught paying any more in taxes than they have to.”

What happens if you don’t appeal? A flawed assessment of your home may stay in place and you may pay more – possibly hundreds or thousands more – if you don’t appeal.

We think you should pay property taxes – just not more than your fair share and an appeal is the only way to ensure fairness, which is what the Cook County Assessor’s Office has been saying for years.

The Kensington Numbers: Only a Tiny Fraction of Homeowners Appeal

According to what is reported in Mr. Rodkin’s article and our comprehensive Cook County homeowner data that we’ve acquired and honed for many years, we’ve learned the following:

  • Emilio Cundari from Cicero Township says 850 homeowners went to his office to appeal. We’ve conducted an analysis with our algorithm on all single family homes in Cicero Township (14,497) and estimate that 5,999 of them are significantly over assessed. Though some will appeal online or use a third-party service like Kensington, many more simply live with being over-assessed.
  • Robert Maloney from Palos Township says they handled 1,200 appeals in their office. There are 20,435 single family homes in Palos Township of which we estimate 6,154 are significantly over assessed.
  • Since the Assessor’s office has stated that their reassessment process is merely a “rough draft” there does not appear, in our professional opinion, to be nearly enough appeals being filed to correct/reflect the “individual nature of each property.”

Have You Heard from Kensington Yet?

We pre-qualify everyone we contact about a possible property tax appeal so, if you’ve heard from us, it is our professional opinion that your property’s valuation falls in that group of homes that we feel is over assessed and whose valuation should be “tailored via an appeal.”

If you haven’t heard from us, we can conduct a free, no-obligation property tax reduction estimate. We only suggest appealing based on what we estimate from our proprietary algorithm, and only if it’s a significant savings.

Appealing is the only way you can save hundreds or thousands in the future and to ensure the “final draft” of your property assessment has you paying the right amount.

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Assessment Notices Mailed for West Chicago

West Chicago Township assessment notices were mailed yesterday by the Cook County Assessor’s office. The deadline to file a property tax appeal at the Assessor’s office for West Chicago is June 26th.Cook County Property Tax Appeal

Townships in Cook County are divided into three groups for the purposes of reassessments. West Chicago was last reassessed in 2015 and is scheduled for its next reassessment in 2018. Regardless of your township’s reassessment year you may appeal your assessed value in any given year as long as you file your appeal during the open filing 30 day windows.

Contact us for a free analysis of your property’s assessment, in comparison to similar homes, and our professional opinion on your appeal options for 2017.

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Lyons Township 2017 Reassessment Notices Mailed

2017 reassessment notices for Lyons Township were mailed by the Cook County Assessor’s office on May 25th. The Assessor’s office is now accepting appeals for property owners in Lyons Township through the deadline of June 26th.Lyons 1

Cook County divides townships into three groups for the purposes of property reassessments. Each group of townships is then reassessed triennially by the Assessor’s office. Lyons Township is part of the south group being reassessed in 2017. The complete 2017 Lyons valuation statistics from the Assessor’s office are here.

Appealing your assessed value in a reassessment year may allow you to lock in savings for multiple years until your next reassessment year. Contact us if you would like more information, or for a free analysis of your property’s assessment in comparison to others, and our professional opinion on your appeal options.

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Schaller’s Pump: A Cook County Property Tax Cautionary Tale

Cook County Property Taxes & Schaller's PumpUp until April 29, 2017, Schaller’s Pump had been the oldest continuously run Chicago tavern, having survived Prohibition, the Great Depression, two world wars, and the Great Recession, until Cook County property taxes put it out of business.

What can Schaller’s Pump teach homeowners about property taxes? Simply this: before you buy a home, be sure to understand its history of property taxes, exemptions and property tax appeals.
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Cook County 2017 2nd Installment Property Tax Bills Loom Large

Cook County Property Tax BillAs we all await the dreaded second installment of our 2017 property tax bills, two concerns arise for what we’ll find in our mailbox:

  1. The brunt of Rahm Emanuel’s $588 million property tax hikes have not been fully applied to previous tax bills
  2. The population in Cook County is decreasing at the highest pace of any county in the nation, which means that taxes have to be paid by fewer people

Here’s what’s going on and what you can do about it for relief.
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Maine Township 2017 Assessment Notices Mailed

2017 assessment notices for Maine Township were mailed by the Assessor’s office on May 11th. Appeals are now being accepted by the Assessor’s office for property owners in Maine Township. The deadline to file an appeal of your assessed value is June 12th.Maine

Maine is part of the north suburb group which was reassessed in 2016. It is possible to appeal your assessed value every year, and in our opinion a good idea to at least review your assessment annually since the housing market and valuations are always changing. Contact us and we are happy to offer you a free professional analysis on whether or not an appeal of your assessed value in 2017 makes sense for you.

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Cook County Board of Review Annual Report

Cook County Board of Review Annual Report 2015

The Cook County Board of Review annual report for 2015 is out and contains some interesting statistics:

  • 61.6% of Board of Review property tax appeals were successful: see graphic below and compare with our 90% success rate
  • 319,500 appeals were filed
  • 86% were filed online (how many of these are leaving money on the table?)
  • 2014 tax year marks the fourth time since tax year 1977 that the second installment tax bills have been mailed out on time
  • There are 1.8 million property parcels in Cook County and 5.2 million residents

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Cook County Board of Review Announces Group 7 Appeal Window Has Opened

The Cook County Board of Review has announced that 5 more townships opened for 2016 property tax appeals. The 30 day appeal window for the townships listed below is December 19th through January 17th.near north

  • Hanover
  • Northfield
  • North Chicago
  • South Chicago
  • West Chicago

Contact Us For A Free Property Tax Appeal Estimate

Why Appeal Your Property Taxes Every Year

Why Appeal Cook County & Chicago Property Taxes Every YearThe conventional wisdom is to appeal your Cook County property taxes once and be done with it.

Even better: some make sure they appeal after the county has re-assessed property taxes every three years based on their triennial schedule (1/3 of all 38 Cook County townships are re-assessed each year).

Even better yet is to appeal every year – or to at least have Kensington run a free, no-obligation property tax appeal estimate to see how much savings may be achieved and if it’s worth the effort. Here’s why this makes sense.
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