Fixed Income Property Tax Reductions

Fixed Income Property Tax ReductionIf you’re living on a fixed income, you’re probably even more concerned about Rahm Emanuel’s $588 million property tax hike than the average homeowner – and rightfully so, but you don’t have to be.

Just as property taxes are not a fixed cost, they can actually be reduced – possibly by as much or more than they are expected to increase for you.

Did you get that?

By having an experienced and trusted resource appeal your property taxes at both the Cook County Assessor as well as the Board of Reviewevery year – may reduce your property tax burden by thousands.

If you haven’t appealed your property taxes lately or ever, your savings may be greater than the possible increase in the next year from the looming property tax increases.

Do you get that now?

Consider the alternatives:

  • Do nothing and your property taxes will likely increase
  • Use an online service or try to obtain a property tax reduction yourself and you may fall short of a maximum reduction

The best part: we can provide you with a free estimate on how much we may be able to reduce your property taxes. There is no obligation following the estimate. What are you waiting for?

Contact us for a free property tax reduction estimate today

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