Cook County Senior Exemption Deadline Nearing
Applications for two property tax exemptions for Cook County senior citizens have been mailed out to property owners who received the exemptions last year. The deadline for re-applying for the exemption is Feb. 6, 2019. The application is required every year, regardless of past eligibility.
The Senior Citizen Exemption entitles eligible property owners to an $8,000 reduction in the equalized assessed value of their property, reducing their tax bills for tax year 2018 by lowering the value of their property that is used to calculate the amount of taxes owed.
Senior Exemption Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for the Senior Exemption, a Cook County taxpayer must meet the following criteria:
- Been born in or before 1953
- Owned their property during 2018, or had a lease or contract that made them responsible for property taxes in 2018
- Used the property as their principal residence in 2018
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