Tag Archives: assessor’s office

Riverside Township 2017 Reassessment Notices Mailed

According to the Cook County Assessor’s Office triennial reassessment notices were mailed on February 6, 2017, for Riverside Township. The window to appeal your assessment is now open until the deadline of March 10, 2017.Investors Purchasing Foreclosure & REO Properties in Illinois: What You Need to Know

Riverside Township is in the south suburban triennial group which is being reassessed in 2017. Valuation statistics for Riverside Township can be found here.

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2019 Assessment Notices Mailed to Riverside Township

RiversideThe Cook County Assessor’s office mailed 2019 Riverside Township assessment notices on February 5th. The 30 day window to appeal your property’s assessed value at the Assessor’s office is now open through the deadline of March 7th.

Riverside Township is scheduled to be reassessed in 2020. However, homeowners should review their assessments annually and appeal each year if and when there is a strong argument that their home may not be assessed fairly. If you think you might be paying too much in property taxes contact us for a free, no obligation, professional analysis of your property.
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River Forest Township 2018 Assessment Notices Mailed

River ForestThe Assessor’s Office has mailed 2018 assessment notices to River Forest property owners. You may appeal your assessment each year during the 30 day window which is now open and will close on March 6th.

Cook County reassesses properties triennially through a mass appraisal system. River Forest was last reassessed in 2017 and if you appealed and were successful on your 2017 tax year appeal you will see those savings this summer on your 2nd installment property tax bill (the 1st installment bill you recently received is always 55% of the previous year’s total tax).
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River Forest Reassessment Notices Mailed

The Cook County Assessor’s Office has announced that triennial reassessment notices were mailed on February 2, 2017, for River Forest Township. The deadline to appeal your assessment at the Cook County Assessor’s Office is March 7, 2017.Cook County Property Tax Appeal

River Forest Township is one of seventeen townships in the south suburban group which will be reassessed in 2017. Valuation statistics for River Forest Township can be found here.

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2018 Assessment Notices Mailed for Riverside Township

RiversideRiverside Township assessment notices for 2018 have been mailed. The 30 day window to appeal your assessed value at the Assessor’s office is now open through the deadline of March 2nd.

You may appeal your assessment each year, regardless of when your township was last re-assessed (Riverside was re-assessed in 2017). In fact, it is our opinion that you should at least review, if not appeal, your assessment annually due to regular changes in the housing market (others have also made this recommendation).
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Cook County Assessor’s Office Opens 2015 Property Tax Appeal Session

The Cook County Assessor’s Office has announced that 2015 assessment notices were mailed on January 30, 2015, for the following townships:

  • Norwood Park
  • River Forest
  • Riverside

The deadline to file an appeal is March 3, 2015.

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Property Tax Proposals Meet with Chilly Reception

Property Tax Balance A mayoral candidate’s idea for a tiered system of property tax rates that would tax higher-priced homes at higher rates was short-lived.

Another idea to establish a statewide property tax to help pay off pension obligations was decisively rejected by suburban voters in November before it was ever even formally proposed. The referendum was seen as a way to discourage any attempts to introduce such a proposal – based on an idea from three Federal Reserve of Chicago economists reported earlier this year.

The chilly reception in both cases illustrates the hurdles around proposals that have the potential to raise property tax rates, especially in an election year, and especially in areas like Chicago, where property owners are still absorbing the sting of four years of phased-in property tax hikes.
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Cook County Senior Exemption Deadline Nearing

senior-exemption-deadline-nearingApplications for two property tax exemptions for Cook County senior citizens have been mailed out to property owners who received the exemptions last year. The deadline for re-applying for the exemption is Feb. 6, 2019. The application is required every year, regardless of past eligibility.

The Senior Citizen Exemption entitles eligible property owners to an $8,000 reduction in the equalized assessed value of their property, reducing their tax bills for tax year 2018 by lowering the value of their property that is used to calculate the amount of taxes owed.

Senior Exemption Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for the Senior Exemption, a Cook County taxpayer must meet the following criteria:

  • Been born in or before 1953
  • Owned their property during 2018, or had a lease or contract that made them responsible for property taxes in 2018
  • Used the property as their principal residence in 2018

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Factoring Floodplain Data into Property Tax Assessments

Chicago North ShoreCook County Tax Assessor Fritz Kaegi backed off a plan to provide immediate relief to more than 1,100 homeowners living within a floodplain in the New Trier township after a rocky roll-out left him having to defend a decision that would have reduced the assessed value of some pricey homes by as much as 30%.

But floodplain data, compiled by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), has been added to the county’s assessment models and will be a factor taken into consideration going forward.
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